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girls and engineering

Girls Gain STEM Skills

on Mon, 2020-07-27 09:53


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Immediate Release                                              



Black and Latinx Girls Inc. of NYC high school girls to learn 

cybersecurity skills at NYU Tandon



Girls Inc. of New York City to support several students’ participation in annual, K-12 summer program at (virtually) the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.



BROOKLYN, New York, Tuesday, July 14, 2020 –New

Fun and Games with Girls

on Tue, 2013-11-26 18:09

Girls' toy company GoldieBlox has removed a parody sung to the Beastie Boys song "Girls" after complaints from the band. But you can view it, with a different tune! Roughly a week ago, the company posted a YouTube promotion with a re-recorded, rewritten version of the song sung by a trio of girls as they set a complex Rube Goldberg machine into motion.

My favorite is the three girls' expressions watching the 'pink' commercial on TV.