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Stargirl a poem by Shakti Singh-Chris

on Sat, 2022-07-23 11:24

Prepublication: copyright pending

Stargirl –
By Shakti Singh-Chris
We all heard the story of the girl,
Awakened by a kiss from a prince
We all heard the story of the girl,
Who kissed the frog that became her prince
We all heard those happily, after, stories
Told again and again through the centuries
Well – this is a story of a girl who kissed many frogs
But found none to break the witches’ spell
A girl who marred by the illusory world
Was held prisoner by the wands holding the power
A girl who then learned to bow in reverence,
Sadly, learned to bow in ignorance
But who luckily, oh so blessedly
Broke free

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on Fri, 2020-01-31 20:32

Emotional Intelligence has been viewed as less important than IQ in the male dominated culture, who called these skills 'soft skills.'

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on Sat, 2014-03-22 11:23

"Sting’s TED talk was a reminder to go forward with a backward glance, to go one layer down into self and then after self-confrontation, to leap forward out of self."  From David Brooks' oped