Principle Quest Unwrapped
Published this January a workbook for facilitators, and with an index, so you can quickly find five minute shares or the bicycle chain described!
In my career on Wall Street, then as founder of a successful entrepreneurial venture, I discovered how vital it is to build community in any group or team. But exactly how does this happen? In this workbook, I share a possible recipe, what I have learned from wise mentors, my own Principle Quest and leading retreats for women since 2012. Racial justice and gender equity need to be part of our conversation today, and you may be considering being a facilitator using one of these formats in your own workplace or community. Building community becomes better understood, an explicit goal of work teams, events and various groups – and not just for women-only groups. What you will find in this workbook are tools, formats and tips for creating that climate of a safe and more intimate community.
By providing you with these tools to build a safe community, facilitate a retreat, or lead a team, you can relish your own journey, find your deepest wisdom, feel empowered – and most importantly, learn how we can change our world into a more just and sustainable environment for everyone.