Time to Think
Nancy Kline gave us a gift when she wrote Time to Think, and if you have not read it, here is a precis to whet your appetite:
Time To Think by Nancy Kline
A Model for Us
Since November 2013 retreat participants receive this book as pre reading, so I include a very abbreviated version of learnings from the book here:
We have the answers inside ourselves and do not really need or benefit so much from even well intentioned advice.
We may need some one to listen to us, giving us the time to think for ourselves.
We may need someone to ask us incisive questions so we can slowly but surely arrive at our own answers.
Here are a few of the questions:
What is the question?
What do you already ‘know’ now that you are going to find out in a year?
If it were entirely up to you, what would you do to improve the situation?
What are you assuming that is most stopping you from moving forward?
Do you think that assumption is true?
What is true and liberating instead?
If you knew (insert that liberating assumption), how would you go forward?