An Invitation to 1%-ers During COVID19 Crisis
Now is the time for us 1%-ers to step up. Inequity of wealth creation has been in the back of everyone's minds, guilt's been whispering more and more loudly in our ears because we well know we have so much more than most Americans.
So with the COVID19 crisis, how do we do this #1%Pledge? How about by donating $100 a week (in my case to The INN) through a grocery store gift card or directly? That $100 amount is what we 1%-ers took for granted as the price tag for our weekly dinner at a restaurant. Not only is dining out not a possibility today, but also this crisis has most of us thinking what can I do to help? The federal and state governments cannot fully address this situation by themselves. Personally, I have experienced a 'reset.' Standing by and watching the unfolding of desperate need is unacceptable. I hear a call for action.
This week I described #1%Pledge on social media -- linkedin, twitter, etc.. Can you help spread the word? Non profits now have been stripped of the dependable fund raising events. If you have online presence and clout, please reimagine a new approach that could consistently support local programs and not require huge expenditure of either staff time or promotion. I see this as a win-win for stores and brands participating and especially for all those laid off and without resources who need help.
I invite you to take the #1%Pledge and look forward to hearing from you on how together we might promote #1%Pledge or improve its impact.